1. The purpose of our site is to keep updating with more products and reviews and grow the community. But this costs money, and to recover the costs we do some affiliate marketing.
  2. The product Pictures & details shared on our website is as per the link shared by our community members. Sometimes the member himself/herself share the link of the current product as his/her model in use is discontinued.
  3. Sometimes the book link shared could be from a different publisher, but the content is the same.
  4. The reviews are not verbatim from the community member. Our backend team calls and interviews the community member and then writes the script based on the structured interview questioner. Once the review script is ready, then our team sends it back to the community member to reverify before publishing.

All opinions/reviews expressed by this community members are solely their reviews. They do not reflect the opinions of their respective product parent companies or affiliates or the companies with which they affiliated in the past with the parent company. The reviews are based on their own experience, and considered such information is reliable and published. We do not confirm the completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied upon us as such.